A Veteran College Student’s Story

  • • 8/29/22

    Memories That Haunt

    The influence of war on our veteran’s ability to stay sober during college. This piece of his story details who events from his past influences his sobriety in college without him knowing why and how. Understanding these influences helps us understand how we may unexpectedly jeopardize a person’s sobriety without knowing it.

  • • 8/19/22

    The Beginning

    This short clip depicts the start of his journey. It is displayed in motion caption format as a behind the scenes preview. The animated version is upcoming.

  • • 8/24/22

    College Addiction Experience (Part 1)

    This video describes how addiction takes over in college.

  • College Vet's Full Interview
    • 8/24/22

    College Vet's Full Interview

    This video is an audio only version of the full interview. Our veteran college student details his evolution from addiction to recovery.